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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Warkah Buat Bonda

Ahmad Bin Abdullah,

Syurga Firdaus,

Taman Wahyu,

Arasy Allah S.W.T


27 Rabiul Akhir 1431

Kehadapan bonda, ayahanda dan saudara-saudari Islam yang adik cintai sekalian,

Assalamualaikum semua, apa khabar? Adik harap sihat-sihat sejahtera semuanya. Adik di sini juga sihat, semua luka-luka akibat digigit semut dan serangga kemarin sudah sembuh, para bidadari syurga yang merawat luka-luka adik. Adik sudah kembali pulih seperti biasa dan adik sudah boleh berjalan. Mungkin sebab minuman dan makanan yang dihidangkan di syurga ini yang buat adik cepat sembuh. Mereka semua di sini baik-baik belaka.

Bonda, Ayahanda, dan saudara-saudari Islam sekalian,

Pertama sekali adik ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada bonda dan ayahanda kerana telah memelihara adik selama sembilan bulan sepuluh hari di dalam kandungan bonda. Sepanjang tempoh itu, adik merasa sungguh bahagia dan selama sembilan bulan sepuluh hari inilah juga adik dapat merasakan kasih sayang daripada bonda, walaupun sekejap, cukup untuk adik kenang buat selama-lamanya. Kemuncak tanda kasih sayang bonda adalah apabila bonda membuat keputusan untuk meninggalkan adik di tepi tong sampah. Masihkah bonda ingat? Adik harap adik sudah menjadi anak yang baik sebab semasa bonda tinggalkan adik di tempat yang dipenuhi dengan serangga mencari makanan, adik tidak menangis sedikit pun. Belum sempat adik ingin menangis, malaikat Izrail datang menjemput adik dan membawa adik ke syurga bertemu Allah Azzawajalla.

Bonda, Ayahanda, dan saudara-saudari Islam sekalian,

Jangan risau tentang keadaan adik, di sini ramai kawan yang senasib dan redha dengan perbuataan bonda dan ayahanda mereka. Tidak kira bangsa mahupun warna kulit mereka senasib seperti adik. Setelah ditinggalkan, mereka lantas dijemput ke syurga, kehadiran mereka di sambut oleh para nabi, syuhada, dan para bidadari syurga. Semalam ada yang mengatakan, kini, sudah menjangkau lebih daripada 90 bayi-bayi yang senasib dengan adik. Memang kami sedih, memang kami pilu kerana ditinggal oleh bonda dan ayahanda masing-masing, tapi tak mengapa, perbuatan ayahanda dan bonda menyebabkan adik dan rakan-rakan sekalian kini berada di syurga.

Bonda dan Ayahanda,

Adik tahu, mungkin bonda tidak mengerti dan tidak memahami kepentingan seorang anak dalam keluarga dan adik tahu bonda akan berasa malu dan keberatan untuk menjaga adik. Mungkin bonda fikir walaupun adik masih hidup dan dijaga, tetapi masyarakat sudah tentu tidak akan menerima adik dan akan membenci dan menghina adik. Sebab itulah bonda membuang adik kan?? Hati bonda suci tapi sucikah sifat bonda yang sanggup membuang adik? Adik tahu kini, mungkin ayahanda sudah pergi meninggalkan bonda keseorangan.


Bonda berseronok dengan keseronokan dunia tetapi tahukah bonda bahawa adik lagi seronok dan bahagia bersama ahli-ahli syurga dan para malaikat yang tidak putus-putus mendidik dan menjaga adik. Adik faham bonda tertekan apabila ayahanda mula melarikan diri dan berjauhan serta tidak mengaku bahawa kandungan itu adalah hak dan tanggungannya. Mungkin salah adik yang membebankan jiwa dan perasaan bonda. Seperti marahkan nyamuk seekor tetapi kelambu dibakar. Adik bukan nyamuk bonda, adik bukan binatang, adik manusia yang dahagakan kasih sayang dan belaian manja seorang bonda dan ayahanda tercinta.

Adik takut, adik gerun, adik sedih mendengar segala jeritan yang datangnya dari neraka jahanam, setiap hari mereka di seksa oleh malaikat. Adik bertanya apakah kesalahan mereka, para bidadari menjawab itulah balasan dosa mereka. Para bidadari juga ada berkata, Allah S.W.T berfirman dalam surah an-nisa ayat 93, “Dan barang siapa membunuh seorang yang beriman dengan sengaja, maka balasannya ialah neraka Jahanam, dia kekal di dalamnya. Allah murka kepadanya, dan melaknatnya serta menyediakan azab yang berat baginya”. Tambah para bidadari lagi, hukuman di dunia juga akan diberatkan kepada pesalah seperti bonda. Tetapi adik tidak risau kerana adik tahu bonda mungkin sedang bersembunyi di rumah dan tidak akan ditangkap oleh pihak berkuasa. Cuma yang adik takutkan, semua hukuman yang menanti bonda di akhirat kelak. Tetapi usah gusar bonda, adik sentiasa mendoakan agar bonda diampunkan oleh Allah dan Allah akan sentiasa menerima taubat nasuha bonda.


Adik cinta bonda, tetapi cinta bonda pada perkara yang membuat bonda sendiri merana dan terseksa. Bonda sedarlah! Bonda boleh menjadi seorang ibu yang baik. Bonda dilahirkan dengan hati yang bersih. Janganlah bonda kotorkan dengan perkara yang memudaratkan diri bonda. Hukuman yang bakal bonda hadapi tidak memadai dengan apa yang bakal bonda rasai di ukhrawi. Adik sayang bonda. Adik harap bonda akan menyesal dengan apa yang telah bonda lakukan. Bonda, jalinkanlah ikatan yang sah dengan orang yang boleh menjaga dan membimbing bonda ke jalan yang benar. Mudah-mudahan bonda akan memperoleh kehidupan baru bersama zuriat yang halal. Adik berharap bonda akan menjaga zuriat bonda nanti dengan sebaik mungkin, sehingga dia menjadi anak yang berguna kepada bonda.

Yang benar,
Ahmad bin Abdullah
(Ahli Syurga).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

“I’m not saying I'm goanna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world “. This quote is taken from Tupac’s favorite personal quotes. And I’ve use this quote as my blog’s title. Why do I use this quote as my blog’s title? This is because I share the same believe with Tupac as our words are not guarantee to change the world, but we do believe our words will motivate people to make the world as a better place. A personality profile is written to bring the audiences closer to the news. Therefore, Tupac Shakur is a person that I think full fill the criteria as a personality profile for one of the type of features. Tupac has made a huge contribution and changes in hip-hop’s industry. He is a one of the influential rapper of all time. Tupac was an American rapper from Bronx, New York. He has sold for over 38 million albums in the USA alone and 75 million albums worldwide up till now. He is also considered as one of the best-selling music artist in the world. Most of his songs are related with violence, the hardship in ghetto’s life, racism, and conflicts with the society and his enemy.

Why most of the Tupac’s songs are associated with such a negative influence? To answer this question we need to analyze and observe on Tupac’s early life. Tupac’s grew up in the ghetto area which many of crimes occurring. He was influenced of idealism by many people. His mother Alice Faye Williams was a revolutionary and one of the members of the association called The Black Panther. The Black Panther is an association or more to a movement that fighting for the civil rights of the African Americans. Later she was arrested with the charge; conspiring to set off a race’s war. Tupac was in his mother’s womb during his mother’s time in jail. In the jail, Tupac’s mother touches her belly and said, “This is my prince, he is going to save the black nation”. On the 16th of June, 1971, Tupac was born and her mother was acquitted by the court. Some sources mentioned that the Tupac’s initial name was Lesane Parish Crooks and later changed to Tupac Amaru Shakur. The main reason for the changes is because his mother afraid that her enemies would attack Tupac besides hiding Tupac’s true identity by using a different last name. During Tupac’s childhood, everyone called him the Black Prince. Tupac’s was punishing to read the entire edition of The New York Times for his misbehaving. But when he asked about his father to his mother, his mother has no answer. Tupac’s said, “She just told me that she doesn’t know who is my father. But it wasn't like she was a slut or nothing, it was just some rough times”.

At the age of twelve Tupac sign up in Harlem's 127th Street Repertory Ensemble as an actor. He played as a character called Travis Younger in a play called A Raisin in the Sun, which was performed at the famous Apollo Theater. Tupac has won most of the rap competitions that he participated and he was considered as the best rapper in his school. Although his fashion style is quite outdated but he was one of the most popular kids in his school because of his sense of humor, superior rapping skills, and the ability to mix in with all crowds.

Tupac professional rap career began in the early of 90’s when he makes a first appearance as features rapper in a rap group called Digital Underground. Later he released his first solo album; 2Pacalypse Now. Unfortunately 2Pacalypse Now is not doing well. Later he released an album called Strictly 4 my Niggaz which most of the song in the album becoming the top hits in the year 1993. Strictly 4 my Niggaz is an album that brought Tupac’s music move over to the pop charts. In the same year, Tupac acted in a film called Poetic Justice with Janet Jackson as his partner in the film. After recovering from injuries causes from the gang rival, Tupac is back in the hip-hop industry with his new album including All Eyez on me which sold more than 15 million and Me Againts the World which are more than 20 millions. On the September 1996, Tupac was killed. He was shot by four rounds, with bullets hitting him in the chest, pelvis and his right hand and thigh. Later he becoming a legend in hip-hop music history as his music and lifestyle continue the legacy.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Product Review

Hello there people. Looks like you guys manage to read again my post for the second time. I’m sure y’all are interested with my first post, and continuously decided to read this new post. During in my first post I have generally story a little bit of my past, and now I will write a product review as my second individual assignment. After a few hard days of thinking what the product that I will review is, I have chosen to review the ultimate G-Pro Gold massage chair manufactured by GINTELL Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. You must be asking why I am interested to posting about this review, the answer is simple. I would likely to review on this product because I’m as a consumer has tried out this massage chair and the result is great. This product is absolutely wonderful and I think I should recommend you people to try out this massage chair or maybe own one if you guys are interested.
Firstly, I will explain briefly about the company that have made this wonderful massage chair become reality. G-Pro Gold massage chair is manufactured by the company GINTELL Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Basically, GINTELL focused on healthcare, fitness & wellness products. It has been operating across Malaysia for more than a decade and still growing rapidly. The company’s goal is to provide every household the opportunity to own a GINTELL product. With over 70 showrooms across the country, GINTELL through its tagline ‘Health, Love & Life’ attempt to provide a personal and family healthcare, beauty care along with fitness care to all. In addition, this company encourage love and care for oneself and the family with the believe life should be built based on a healthy lifestyle. Their main goals are to make a difference in each individual life by building a strong relationship by caring for you.
Enough with the introduction, now we may focuses on the product itself; G-Pro Gold massage chair. Have you ever feel extremely exhausted and likely to have a relaxation after a hard day work? From my experience that I can remember, I was in a shopping mall to get some stuff and after a few hours walking I felt so exhausted. Luckily when I passed through this one shop lot, a sales promoter came and approaches me to have a sit on a massage chair inside the shop. It was GINTEL, a shop that sales health care product and fitness machines. The promoter pleased me to sit on the massage chair, and I just straight away sit on it without thinking if he would ask me to buy this massage chair as I’m already too tired.
The moment when the massage chair start to operates, I was surprised at how nice it actually was. This is because I’ve tried out other massage chair before, and this massage chair from GINTELL is totally different. The fabric on the chair felt so good and comfortable. It seems that GINTELL has become more serious in making quality massage chairs. You can get tapping, kneading, knocking, flapping modes to massage on your back while the air massage bag for your thighs and calves. The easiest way to operate this massage chair is by pressing the ‘ON/OFF’ button, and after 15 seconds the massage chair will automatically operate and start to massage the whole parts of your body. It takes 15 seconds before operates as the machine scan the user’s body to apply the accurate massage. You should not to worry about the type of massage that you desire because as the machine will apply all the types of massage on your body. If you desire to feel the total impact of massage on your body, you may decline down the chair. This is because when your body is in lay down position, you may get the total impact of massage as your body pressure burden down the roller inside the massage chair; as a result the roller will give a powerful massage to support your body pressure. Besides that, the massage chair also equipped with air pressure bags. The air pressure bags provide a warm and refreshing massage over your body. This action will stimulate and circulate the blood circulation effectively. During the massaging you can lie down and relax without any disturbance. The best part is you can feel the roller massaging is totally same like a human massaging. Thus, massaging at the spa or reflexology centre can be replaced by this GINTELL massage chair.
I wonder it would have been nice if the massage chair had the foot massager option. Besides the remote controller may probably the biggest among other brands of massage chair. There are also too many buttons to press if we choose the machine to operate in manual programme. After 15 minutes of relaxing massage, the machine will automatically switch off. The promoter advised me not to massage more than 15 minutes at a time, as it will give a bad effects on our body. Because of that reason, the GINTELL massage chair was build to give massages not more than 15 minutes at a time. The best way is to use the massage chair not more than 3 times a day and continuously. As the massage chair switched off, I force to wake up from the chair. I wish I could sit on the chair longer; unfortunately all good things must come to end. By looking at the sales promoter face, saying ‘thank you’ and quickly walked out from the shop probably would be the best way to avoid me from been force to purchase the G-PRO GOLD massage chair. But I do promise to the sales promoter that I will get this massage chair someday and somehow. My legs and back felt refreshed; I continued back on my way to go home.
As for my suggestion, G-PRO GOLD is a massage chair or can be consider as a health care product that should own by every households in Malaysia. G-PRO GOLD is suitable for everyone as it equipped with Intelligent Pressure System (IPS). IPS is an automatic massage programmes which the rollers will automatically glide along the length of your back to detect acupressure points with its sensing function. By detecting the user’s body shape and weight, the rollers can adjust the massage area for the right spot and comfortable massage. For example if an old people sit on the chair, the rollers will detect the user’s body for 15 second as I mention earlier, as a result the rollers will give a slow and soft massage based on the person weight. Same goes with the person who is heavier; the rollers will detect first and apply a stronger massage on that person. What I’m trying to say here is that G-PRO GOLD is suitable for every stage of people. The G-PRO GOLD massage chair are also can improve blood circulation, improve metabolism system, relieving tired and muscle pain and many more.
As a conclusion, even though you people are young and think that massage chair is not important enough to have one as many other things such as laptop to be own, think again! Considering your health, it is more important than other things. To maintain a good lifestyle, it must be started from beginning of your life. Besides that, the G-PRO GOLD massage chair is a value for money investment to anyone who wants to buy a comfy massage chair. This is because GINTELL is the only company that have a policy which approve people to trade in any old massage chair with their new one at the starting price which is low as RM2000. Consider the price of one unit of G-PRO GOLD massage chair which is RM6988, you can get a free gift worth RM2000 and trade in price for RM2000 when you want to purchase a new massage chair from GINTELL, I think it is way too cheap compared to the big players like Ogawa and Osim in selling their massage chair. So, hurry up people and get a G-PRO GOLD massage chair now at your nearest GINTELL shop. If you want to know more about GINTELL and its product, you may visit this website Thank you .

Monday, February 1, 2010

Assalamulaikum and hello to everyone that will be reading this post. I hope you guys will enjoy and satisfy for what I have written here. I was born on 11th March 1990 at Hospital Kuala Lumpur. The best part is, my mother only have to pay for 12ringgit for the hospital’s bills as she serves for the government’s schools and gave birth at the government’s hospital. I grew in an apartment house at Jalan Keramat when I was a baby. My family consist of me as the only child and my parents. My mom’s name is Salwah Aini binti Haji Hashim and my dad’s name is Ibrahim bin Haji Abdul Aziz. I will tell about them later maybe in page3 or 4 as I prefer to end up my story first.
When I was a baby my dad hired a babysitter to take care of me when my parents leave to work. The babysitter just not only taking care of me, she also must do the housework such as washing all the dirty laundry, cleaning up the plates and cups after finish eating and so much more. My mom told me the babysitter was a hardworking person besides she love taking care of me, but unfortunately she left us because of personal matter. But the truth is she can’t any longer stand my new born little brother named Abdul Karim. Karim was born 2 years after me. As from beginning Karim likes to cry for no reason. Usually babies do cries but Karim crying all the time without any reason. I’m not sure why is he’s crying all the time, but mom said it has to do with supernatural events.
When I was five years old, my family moved to our new home in Subang Jaya. It is located at USJ12. My parents had bought the house from their saving’s for last few years. Our new house is bigger than our previous house as it is a terrace house. My early education was in kindergarten which is nearby my home. The name of the kindergarten is C.E.C., which it stands for Child Enrichment Centre. The environment was great and new for me as I never went to any kindergarten before this. At the C.E.C, I have met new friends who come from different races and backgrounds. If I’m not mistaken it was the first time I have friends that is Chinese and Indians besides than Malays. Other than that I’ve been taught how to writes, reads and counts. For mathematics subject, the teacher provides a set of special plastic blocks which it helps students as an easy way for them to learns mathematics subject. As readings take place, the students are given away a story books calls Peter and Jane. The Peter and Jane’s story book it’s not a common story book, it has a volume number for its books. The volume number is different for each different chapter of the books and the volume number on the story books is increasing for every new chapter. For example, if the last volume number of the book is 10 then the story books supposed to be it last chapter. This method are been use to encourage students in having a healthy competition among themselves, besides to enhance the students interest in reading. This method are proven when the students prefer to read more than usual recommended as they want to finish early all the chapter before their friends did.